
Béatrice Allanic


OT - PT - Orthotist & Handtherapist

Specialised in "made to measure" orthosis with qualified senior staff.

Emergency  or quick appointment at the surgery & covered by insurance.

"Made to measure" and high level solutions for everyday and sport.

A modern treatment  with all latest scientific advances.

Covered by insurance we work closely with the doctor who refered you

Member of GEMMSOR:

groupe d'étude de la main et du membre supérieur en orthèse et rééducation, created in 1984.

It's aim is to promote and develop hand rehabilitation.

Urgency can be treated at the clinic within the day with prescrition. The cost is covered by french cpam for AT, ALD, CMU without over fee (except for 3D orthosis).

Your orthosis will be elaborated after an assessment. It is made for permanent wore after surgery or injury, for sport, or go back to work.

We keep our knowledge up to date by attending many congresses

(national and international).



we work closely with surgeons, physiotherapists, GPs, rhumatologists.

Our office / Contact : 04 93 96 70 10 or

book on monrdvkine

Find us in Nice / Our schedule.

Located close to the city center, near russian Church and near the Parc Impérial clinic

at 111 Bd. François Grosso, 06000 Nice.

To come :


+ By car : park at parking « Palmeira » , 47 Rue St Philippe.

+ By tramway : T2 – arrêt Alsace-Lorraine.

+ By bus : take line n°11, 64,70,71 et 75 – Tzarewitch stop.

+ By train : stop at « Nice Ville » station.

+ By train des pignes : stop at Parc Impérial station.

Schedule : from monday to friday : 8h to 19h